SHANDONG SCIENCE ›› 2015, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 74-79.doi: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2015.03.014

• Tranfic and Transportation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

DEA model based operation efficiency of an urban metro transit system

XIE Zhixiang,REN Shixin,LI Yang,LIU Jingyu   

  1. School of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China
  • Received:2015-01-06 Online:2015-06-20 Published:2015-06-20

Abstract: We construct an index system evaluating urban subway operating efficiency from input and output with 20 running urban subway traffic systems as subjects. We further divide their operation efficiency into high,higher and low efficient levels based on data envelop analysis (DEA) model.Moreover, we also analyze current input and output characteristics for these urban subway traffic systems, and find their existing deficiency.It provides the reference for relative departments to make scientific decision.

Key words: operation efficiency, metro transit system, DEA model

CLC Number: 

  • U29