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    20 February 2013 Volume 26 Issue 1
    Existence of positive periodic solutions for a n-species competition system with feedback control
    ZHANG Xue-Mei, LIU Yan-Sheng
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  1-5.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.001
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    This paper addresses the existence of positive periodic solutions for a n-species competition system with feedback control by applying the theory of fixed point on cone. It improves and generalizes the results of some relative papers.

    Existence of multiple solutions of a fourth-order three-point boundary value problem with a p-Laplacian operator
    GUO Huan, HOU Wen-Ying, LU Hui-Qin
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  6-9.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.002
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    Abstract∶This paper employs the theory of fixed point index to investigate the existence of two positive solutions for a class of fourth-order three-point singular boundary value problems with a p-Laplacian operator. The paper also presents some sufficient conditions that at least two positive solutions exist. Our work improves some recently known results.

    Eventually strongly  L-abundant semigroup
    ZHANG Wei, LI Gang, LIU Qing
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  10-11.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.003
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    We define an eventually strongly  L-abundant semigroup. We also prove that a semigroup is an eventually strongly  L-abundant semigroup if and only if it is an inflation of a strongly  L-abundant semigroup.

    High performance liquid chromatography based determination of  6-gingerol,8-gingerol and 10-gingerol in seed and tender ginger
    WANG Li, XU Mei-Xia, WANG Mei, WANG Xiao, LIU Jian-Hua
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  12-15.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.004
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    We employed high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the contents of 6-, 8-, and 10-gingerol in seed and tender ginger. The determination conditions were an Inertsil ODS-SP column (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm), a binary eluent under gradient condition and ultraviolet detection at 280 nm wavelength. Experimental results show that the contents of 6-, 8- and 10-gingerol in seed ginger are separatively two times, one and a half times and two times of those in tender ginger.

    Research advance of polymer-based monoliths column for electrochromatography on a microfluidic chip
    ZHENG Hui, LI Qiu-Shun, MA Yao-Hong, GAO Guang-Heng, SHI Jian-Guo
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  16-21.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.005
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    Microfluidic chip technology is a recently rapidly developing area, which receives attention for its miniaturization, integration and automation. Electrochromatography is an important branch in the area. It has such advantages as high efficiency of conventional capillary electrophoresis and high selectivity of high-performance liquid chromatography. This paper surveys the status quo of manufacturing technology of electrochromatography coloumn and the research advance of polymer-based monoliths column on a microfluidic chip.

    Impacts of different varieties and farming methods on rhizosphere soil microorganisms of sweet potato in saline and alkaline land
    JI Jing-Qi, XIA Zhi-Jie, SI Hong-Li, DAI Mei-Xue
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  22-27.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.006
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    We employ plate counting to investigate the impacts of different varieties and farming methods on the rhizosphere soil microorganisms of sweet potato in order to reveal the improvement effect of sweet potato planting on saline and alkaline land. Results show that film, suitable density (4 167 plants/666.67 square meter) and organic fertilizer can improve the quantity of soil microbe to different extent. Results of potassium topdressing demonstrate that foliage spraying phosphoric fertilizer more significantly improve the quantity of rhizosphere soil microorganism than fertilizing potassium. However, potassium fertilized by K2HPO4 or KNO3 does not have significant impacts.

    New records of Shandong bryophytes
    LI Lin, REN Zhao-Jie, HUANG Zheng-Li, GUO Meng-Meng, ZHAO Zun-Tian
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  28-34.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.007
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    We identify more than 3000 specimens of bryophytes from Shandong province. We discover 1 new family, 10 new genera and 70 new species of bryophytes. The newly reported family is Trachypodaceae. The newly reported genera are Asterella, Kiaeria, Chenia, Epipterygium, Plagiobryum, etc. The newly reported species are Riccardia latifrons, Scapania massalongoi, Calypogeia tosana, Campylopus japonicus, C. schimperi, etc.

    Research advance of ingredients from Vitex negundo Linn. and their activities
    LIU Yu-Qing, XUE Meng, ZHAO Tian-Zeng, ZHANG Hai-Yan, YU Li-Qin
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  35-43.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.008
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    This paper surveys research advance of the ingredients of Vitex negundo Linn. The paper also presents its different ingredients and its applications in medicine, insecticidal and antifungal activities.

    Position of Lunathyrium shandongense in plant taxonomy
    LI Xiao-Juan, LI Jia, HUANG Yang, SONG Ying-Jie, SUN Xiang-Bo, LI Jian-Xiu
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  44-46.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.009
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    Lunathyrium shandongense J. X. Li et F. Z. Li, a new species, was originally published in the Bulletin of Botanical Research in 1984 and then was recorded in the Flora of Shandong volumeⅠ. Compared with Lunathyrium pycnosorum(Chirist)Koidz,it has some important characteristics such as erect rhizome, excessively long first pinnulae at the top pinna of basical leaves and twice longer than normal one, little or not grown pinnatipartite, innodular pubescence between freesectionpinnulae, inconsecutive ruga among spore perispore.  We should restore its specieslevel position in plant taxonomy.

    Determination of tannin content in leaves of Pyrus betulaefolia Bge. with different processing methods
    WANG Rui-Hua, HOU Cai-Ting, ZOU Yun-Yuan, TIAN Yi-Ling, LIU Yu-Hong, XU Ling-Chuan
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  47-50.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.010
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    We employ phosphorus molybdenumtungsten acid casein method to determine tannin content of two different products from the leaves of Pyrus betulaefolia Bge.. Tannins were extracted to be soaking at room temperature by staying overnight When the color reaction between phosphomolybdium Tungslic acid and phenolic acids was carrying through 90~120 min,absorbency of tolal phenolic acids and unabsorbable phenolic acids was delermined respectively at The wavelength of 760 nm. Tannins content is derived by spectrophotometry difference and standard curve method. Better linear relationship (r=0.997 9) exists in the range of 1~10 μg/mL. We obtain average recovery rate of 98.581% (n=6) and RSD of 0.51%. Tannins average content of unfermented leaves is 0.60%, and tannins is not detected in the leaves of fermentation under this condition.

    Research on a fiber grating based tower sway amplitude monitoring method
    HUANG Ping-Ping, WANG Chang, LIU Xiao-Hui, GUO Jian
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  51-55.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.011
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    This paper presents a monitoring method of tower sway amplitude for the security monitoring requirement of a large-scale short wave aerial antenna curtain tower. It employs a fiber grating strain sensor to determine the strain variation on the three stay cables of a tower and then calculates the sway amplitude at the top of the tower. An alarm will be generated when the sway amplitude is greater than the preset safe value. Field tests show that the method can accurately determine the sway amplitude of a tower with an approximate inclination error of 1/24 000. It is therefore sufficient for the requirement of tower safety pre-alarm, so it can replace the regular manual test methods.

    Wavelet analysis and neural network based fault diagnosis for resistive-open defects
    YU Chang-Geng, LAI Li-Ping
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  56-59.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.012
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    Resistive-open defects in a digital circuit will cause a time-delay fault and functional failure of a circuit. We address a fault diagnosis method of resistive-open defects with wavelet analysis and neural network based on the analysis of transient power supply current(IDDT) and principal component analysis. Results show that the method is feasible.

    A wireless communication based digital remote comprehensive monitoring and control system for a city manhole
    XIE Zhao-Yan, ZHANG Yan-Bo, XU Wen-Qing, ZHANG Lin, ZHOU Guang-Xu
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  60-64.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.013
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    We employ GPRS, ZigBee, GIS and WSN to devise a remote management system for a city manhole for solving its antitheft and positioning issue. The system can perform real-time monitoring for the state of a manhole and its inside environment and can realize its active early warning and alarm. The system can therefore avoid the damage to a manhole cover, its stealing by a person or being damaged by a vehicle.

    Design of a water quality detection device with sonoluminescence principle
    HOU Guang-Li, ZHANG Ying, TANG Yong-Zuo, REN Guo-Xin, SUN Ji-Chang, LIU Yan, ZHANG Ying-Ying
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  65-68.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.014
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    We devise a water quality detection device with sonoluminescence principle. It includes a reaction chamber, an ultrasound driving power, a transducer and a photoelectric device. Water sample is deposited in a sample container that is connected with a water pump by a pipe. The water sample is pumped into the reaction chamber. The ultrasound power then drives the transducer. Ultrasonic luminescence phenomenon further occurs for the water sample. The light is received by a photomultiplier tube through a detection window and then converted into an electronic signal fed into a computer. We can therefore analyze the quality of the water sample by sonoluminescence principle.

    Serial port expansion and communication design of MCU C8051F120
    ZHU Si-Rong, ZHOU Wang-Li, BI Chun-Yuan, ZHAO Xiao-Hua, GAOGuang-Heng, LIU Zhong-Hui
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  69-73.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.015
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    We employ the PCA modules of MCU C8051F120 and software simulation to extend a halfduplex serial port in the design of a fermentation controller. We extend multiple 485 bus in one serial port with the chip MAX485, so solve the problem of serial port deficiency. The extended serial port using PCA modules send or receive data in interruption mode of PCA, so it occupies very little CPU time. It can be used as hardware serial ports besides more interruption times. Multiple extended 485 bus from one serial port can connect multiple lower computers with different protocols and different baud rate to complete the sequence communication. Application flexibility is significantly improved, as compared with single 485 bus.

    Tranfic and Transportation
    Evolution analysis of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou metro network
    LUO Jin-Long, CAO Cheng-Xuan, XU Yan, ZHENG Xun
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  74-80.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.016
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    Metro network is a complex network including stations and lines. We investigate the characteristics of metro network and its evolution with complex network theory. We analyze evolution characteristics of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou metro network by introducing six network characteristic parameters and taking the metro network of the three cities as subjects. We also analyze the congestion phenomenon from the topology perspective based on the statistical results. Our research conclusion will provide a theoretical basis for the future development of urban rail transit.

    AHP-entropy and multi-level extension based service quality evaluation for urban rail transit
    ZHENG Da, JIA Yuan-Hua, XUE Hong-Jiao, NIU Zhong-Hai
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  81-86.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.017
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    The paper constructs a customer satisfaction based evaluation index system for urban rail transit service quality. The paper also calculates the weight of evaluation index with the combination of AHP and entropy and introduces the evaluation method of combination of AHP-entropy and multi-level extension into the evaluation for urban rail transit service. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the evaluation index and evaluation method, taking Beijing urban rail transit service as an example. Results show that the approach of AHP-entropy and multi-level extension is applicable to the evaluation of urban rail transit service quality.

    Comprehensive evaluation for ecological carrying capacity of Jinan
    RU Xu-Wei, WU Hong-Zhi, ZHANG Qing
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  87-92.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.018
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    We present quantitative parameters for urban ecosystem carrying capacity of Jinan with the theory of city ecosystem carrying capacity and Jinan as a subject from the perspective of maintaining the health of a city ecosystem, its stability and sustainable development. We also construct an urban ecological supporting force model, an urban ecological pressure model and an urban ecological carrying capacity model. We then apply the evaluation index system and model to the evaluation for Jinan city ecosystem carrying capacity from 2004 to 2008, and analyze its changing law. These can provide a scientific basis and theoretical support for sustainable area development and environmental protection.

    A survey of the degradation and transformation of PPCPs in the sluge of sewage treatment plant
    WANG Xu-Ke, ZHU Ying, ZOU Yi-Na
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  93-96.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.019
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    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are important sources of environmental hormones. Even lower concentrations PPCPs may cause worse impact on ecological environment. The paper presents the characteristics of PPCPs in the sludge of sewage treatment plant. The paper surveys the biodegradation effect of PPCPs under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The paper also analyzes the impact of humic substances on degradation and transformation of PPCPs and proposes the negative profiles to be improved.

    Impact of dichromate concentration on the determination of CODCr in low concentration water
    HAN Shu-Xin, WANG Li-Hong, XUE Fu-Min, MA Hong, GAO Ping
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  97-101.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.020
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    We employed different concentrations of dichromate to determine low concentration water from different areas of Shandong Province for the bad precision of the determination of CODCr with low concentration water by GB 11914. This is to analyze the impact of concentration gradient on CODCr. Results indicate that CODCr increases with the increase of dichromate concentration. Determination result is significantly affected by quality of blank water, determination of endpoints, etc. We should completely collect the relative information about water samples when analyzing low concentration water. We should also fully consider system errors, oxidizability and detection range and choose suitable dichromate concentration in order to improve the accuracy of data detection.

    A recycling method reducing chromium residue pollution
    XIU Da-Peng, CAO Shu-Liang, XU Jian-Hua, CAI Bin, WANG Qi-Chun
    J4. 2013, 26(1):  102-107.  doi:10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2013.01.021
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    We invent a method changing chrome residue into ceramic bone stuff. We initially manufacure bone bisque, and then ceramic bone stuff is formed at 1 200±30 ℃ high temperature and reduction condition by the rotary kiln sintering. The method has such characteristics as simplicity, economics, reliablity, good rigidity and stable structure, so it can be available to concrete recycling. Experiments show that the content of the chromium residue ceramic bone stuff is lower than 0.05 mg·L-1, and that the content of Cr6+ remains unchanged after 5 years.