Shandong Science ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 8-14.doi: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2023.06.002

• Oceanographic Science, Technology and Equipment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Streamline optimization analysis of side-scan sonar on small autonomous underwater vehicle

LIU Jin1(), TAN Hua1,2,*(), SU Liang1, QIU Guoji1, LIU Rui1, LUO Chongxin1, WANG Yu1, LIU Hao1   

  1. 1. Qingdao Gosci Technology Group,Qingdao 266237,China
    2. Qingdao Gosci Intelligent Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd., Qingdao 266237, China
  • Received:2023-04-17 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-07


Water dynamics analysis was conducted on a compact and portable autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) with side-scan sonar and amodified AUV with streamlined side-scan sonar. The analysis focused on examining the drag forces experienced by both AUVs at different speeds. The results demonstrated that the streamlined side-scan sonar effectively reduced pressure and viscous drag forces, resulting in an overall drag reduction of 15.4% at a normal speed of 3 knots, with a 9% reduction in viscous drag and an 18% reduction in pressure drag.At a high speed of 6 knots, the overall drag was reduced by 10.1%, with a 4.2% reduction in viscous drag and a 12% reduction in pressure drag. These findings demonstrate that optimizing the streamlined design of the AUV with side-scan sonar can effectively enhance the dynamic performance of the AUV, reduce its drag force, and improve its efficiency and performance.

Key words: autonomous underwater vehicle, side-scan sonar, streamlined, viscous drag, pressure drag, dynamic performance

CLC Number: 

  • TH138