Shandong Science ›› 2021, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 95-103.doi: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.04.015

• Tranfic and Transportation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Index evaluation system for transportation function of metro transfer station

ZHENG Xuan-chuan1SHEN Yu2Dong Xiao-chun2LI Ming-hua1*PU Shu2   

  1. 1.Laboratory for Green Safe Construction Technology in Urban Rail Transit, Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development
    Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100037,China;2.Nanjing Metro Construction Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210017China
  • Received:2020-07-28 Online:2021-07-30 Published:2021-08-03

Abstract: Aiming at the systematic evaluation problem of metro transfer stations, an index evaluation system is established for the transportation function of metro transfer stations. The definition, calculation method, and scoring standard for each index are proposed. Moreover, a comprehensive index evaluation method based on the analytic hierarchy process is constructed, and the weight coefficient is discussed. A case study is conducted using seven transfer stations of Nanjing metro to verify the validity and practicality of the proposed index evaluation system. Results show that the second-level indicators can accurately reflect the current situation of the stations, and the stations can be classified based on the similarity of the index scores. Similar stations exhibit common characteristics. The index weight coefficient determined using the judgment matrix satisfies the consistency test, and the obtained first-level index score and total score can comprehensively evaluate the overall status of the station. Finally, considering the Liuzhoudonglu station as an example, an optimization of the station evaluation results is proposed, which confirms the applicability of the system.

Key words: metro, transfer station, index evaluation system, AHP, correlation test

CLC Number: 

  • U231+.4