Shandong Science ›› 2024, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 131-135.doi: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.20230169

• Block Chain • Previous Articles    

Network security of university library information systems based on blockchain hierarchical storage and domestic commercial cryptographic technology

LI Yingxin(), GUO Zhen, ZHAO Lei, FU Guorui()   

  1. Shandong University Library,Jinan 250100,China
  • Received:2023-11-23 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-05
  • Contact: FU Guorui;


To enhance the network security capability of library information systems and ensure their safe and stable operation, we have conducted research on various network security issues, such as identity counterfeiting, data leakage, data tampering, data destruction, and difficult to trace important operations, and proposed practical and completely autonomous solutions and methods. These methods include data storage security for library information systems based on blockchain hierarchical storage, identity authentication, data encryption, data integrity, and operational authenticity and repudiation protection based on domestic commercial cryptographic technology. This study is crucial for the construction of a comprehensive and effective network security system for library information systems and the improvement of their network security capability.

Key words: library information system, network security, blockchain, hierarchical storage, commercial cryptographic technology, digital signature, collaborative signature, data encryption, data integrity

CLC Number: 

  • TP393.08