山东科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 84-89.doi: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2023.01.011

• 光纤与光子传感技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


李硕1(), 侯墨语1, 赵小芬2, 王佳敏1, 于滋堃1, 王纪强1,*()   

  1. 1.齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院) 山东省科学院激光研究所,山东 济南 250014
    2.济宁四和供热有限公司,山东 济宁 272000
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-25 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-02-08
  • 通信作者: *王纪强(1980—),男,副研究员,研究方向为光纤传感技术及其应用。E-mail:wjq_14_ren@163.com
  • 作者简介:李硕(1997—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为光纤分布式传感技术。E-mail:LSaddress@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Thermal pipeline-leakage locating system based on distributed optical-fiber temperature-measurement

LI Shuo1(), HOU Moyu1, ZHAO Xiaofen2, WANG Jiamin1, YU Zikun1, WANG Jiqiang1,*()   

  1. 1. Laser Institute,Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences),Jinan 250014,China
    2. Jining Sihe Heating Co.,Ltd., Jining 272000, China
  • Received:2022-03-25 Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-02-08


针对传统热力管道泄漏巡检方式存在的准确度不高、抗干扰能力差等不足,采用光纤分布式测温的方法测量热力管道沿线温度场,当发生泄漏时,管道中的热水或蒸汽会流出并改变泄漏点周围的温度场,系统可以快速捕捉温度变化并实时定位泄漏点。实验检测系统性能指标为温度精度(温度测量值与真实值间的误差)±1 ℃,空间分辨率≤2 m,目前已成功应用于济宁运河电厂热力管道的检测中,精确地测量了热力管道沿线15 km的温度变化,并成功对一处泄漏行为进行了报警,表明分布式光纤测温系统在热力管道泄漏监测领域具有广阔的应用前景。

关键词: 热力管道, 泄漏定位, 光纤分布式测温, 空间分辨率


Aiming to resolve the deficiencies of low accuracy and poor anti-interference ability of traditional thermal pipeline-leakage detection methods,an distributed optical-fiber temperature-measurement system combined with the pipeline-leakage model is adopted herein to measure the temperature field along the thermal pipeline.When the leakage occurs, hot water or steam in the pipeline will flow out and change the temperature field around the leakage point, and the system can rapidly catch the temperature change and locate the leakage. The experimental results show that the temperature accuracy,which is the error between the measuring temperature value and the true value, is within ±1 ℃ and the spatial resolution is no more than 2 m.The system has been successfully applied to the thermal pipeline of the Jining Canal Power Plant, accurately measured the temperature variation along a 15 km thermal pipeline and precisely alerted a leakage, indicating that the distributed optical-fiber temperature-measurement system has a broad application prospect in the field of thermal pipeline-leakage monitoring.

Key words: thermal pipeline, leakage location, distributed optical-fiber temperature-measurement, spatial resolution


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