Shandong Science 2021 Vol.34
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Study on the medication mechanism of COVID-19 Sanjiao-Cold-Dampness Syndrome based on network pharmacology and molecular docking
DU Hai-tao, WANG Ping, LI Na, DING Jie, ZHANG Jing, YUAN Cheng-min, SUN Tie-feng, HAN Li, ZHANG Zhong-fa
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.001
Abstract995)      PDF(pc) (13037KB)(335)       Save
To study a clinical drug combination of COVID-19 Sanjiao-Cold-Dampness Syndrome, network pharmacology and molecular docking mechanism were investigated to analyze the medication mechanism. 77 types of traditional Chinese medicine components and 4760 action targets were screened. GO(gene ontology) analysis and KEGG(kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes) enrichment analysis of core targets using the DAVID(the database for amotation,visualization and intergated discovery),mainly involving biological processes such as protein binding,ATP binding and singaling pathways such as PI3-Akt and FOXO. The results of Maestro molecular docking showed that the docking scores of the blood-related drug components and COVID-19 related targets were less than -5. The results show that various active components in the drug team can have a direct antiviral effect by combining with the related targets of SARS-CoV-2 and play a regulatory role in COVID-19 through various biological pathways.
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Network pharmacology study of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus - Trichosanthis Fructus compatibility for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on the BATMAN-TCM online analysis platform
CAO Ming-chen, XU Long, XIN Zhao-yang, FANG Ming-xiang, XING Xiao-min, CHEN Xiao, WANG Chuan, WEI Xin-xin, REN Wei
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 10-20.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.002
Abstract688)      PDF(pc) (10972KB)(333)       Save
Based on the bioinformatics analysis tool for molecular mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine (BATMAN-TCM), this study revealed the molecular mechanism of action of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus-Trichosanthis Fructus (FTB-TF) for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). The BATMAN-TCM was adopted to predict the potential targets of FTB-TF, whereas the GeneCards database was used to search the targets of COPD. Cytoscape 3.7.1 software was used to construct a compound-disease-target interaction network and protein-protein interaction (PPI) network to conduct gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis and pathway enrichment analysis based on the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG). A total of 21 types of active ingredients were screened from FTB-TF, and the compound-disease-target network was constructed. The PPI network of FTB-TF targets was established based on STRING, and it included 131 nodes and 236 edges. Examples of the key nodes included ANXA1, EDN1, HDAC1, RXRA, ADRA2A, OXT, and RXRB. The GO enrichment analysis mainly involved ion-gated channel activity, substrate-specific channel activity, passive transmembrane transporter activity, extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity, neurotransmitter receptor activity, and ligand-gated ion channel activity. The KEGG pathway analysis mostly involved neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway, calcium signaling pathway, cholinergic synapse, retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, serotonergic synapse, and dopaminergic synapse. The results suggested that ANXA1 and HDAC1, for instance, were the key targets of FTB-TF. The signaling pathways primarily involved neuroreceptor pathways such as acetylcholine, serotonin, and dopamine. These findings reflected the overall characteristics of the Chinese medicine compound prescription, thereby providing new clues for further research on the molecular mechanism of action of FTB-TF.
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Histone deacetylase gene knockout in Penicillium and changes in secondary metabolite production
ZHAO Pei-pei, LIU Hai-rong, YANG Meng, WANG Hong, QI Jun, LIU Chang-heng, XIA Xue-kui
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 21-27.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.003
Abstract498)      PDF(pc) (5976KB)(335)       Save
Various secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi, especially Penicillium, are becoming an important source of new drugs. Many drugs such as anticancer drugs, antibiotics, and immunosuppressants are derived from fungal secondary metabolites. However, the secondary metabolism of fungi is affected by many factors, among which epigenetic modification plays an important regulatory role. The epigenetic modification by histone acetylation is often associated with transcriptional activation, thereby facilitating the synthesis of secondary metabolites. In this study, Penicillium christenseniae SD-193.84 was used as the research object. Bioinformatics methods were used to identify the histone deacetylase(HDAC) gene. A gene knockout technique based on homologous recombination was established in this fungus to knock out HDAC. Analysis of secondary metabolites was conducted before and after the gene knockout. We found that HDAC affects the synthesis of a variety of secondary metabolites in the fungus. This study provides a reference for molecular genetic manipulation and secondary metabolic regulation in Penicillium.
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Characteristics of the analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in case of a polarization-insensitive metamaterial
LI Rong, ZHENG Wen
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 28-34.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.004
Abstract544)      PDF(pc) (7641KB)(348)       Save
In this study, an electromagnetically induced transparent metamaterial structure with four metal lines and a ring is proposed. It exhibits the characteristics of horizontal and vertical polarization insensitivity when the electromagnetic wave is perpendicular to its surface. The characteristics of the metamaterial transmission curve and its surface current distribution have been numerically calculated and simulated. Further, the phase propagation curve and group refractive index are calculated and analyzed. The maximum group refractive index can reach up to 380, indicating that the metamaterial can be used to fabricate slow optical devices. When this metamaterial is used to manufacture a refractive index sensor, the DFOM value is approximately 20.13, indicating a higher sensitivity compared with those of the existing sensors. Results show that the metamaterial can be applied to manufacture slow optical devices and refractive index sensors.
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Optimization of phase diagram based on Ti-Nb-Zr ternary system alloy
XU Li-li, XU Yong, XU Rong-fu, WANG Zhi-gang, TIAN Bin , YU Mei-jie
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 35-42.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.005
Abstract754)      PDF(pc) (9610KB)(594)       Save
The optimization and calculation of the phase diagram of a Ti-Nb-Zr ternary system were presented using Pandat software. The Gibbs energy of the pure component was described using the expression provided in the scientific group thermodata Europe database. The substitutional solution and two-sublattice models were used to describe the Gibbs energy of the liquid and solid solution phases, respectively. To improve the description of the Ti-Nb-Zr ternary system, the thermodynamic parameters of the Ti-Nb and Ti-Zr systems were obtained using the PanOptimizer module of Pandat software by considering experimental data on phase equilibrium and published thermodynamic properties. The calculations of the phase equilibrium and thermodynamic properties using the proposed description agreed well with the experimental data. The results have important directive significance to the development of Ti-Nb-Zr ternary system biomedical materials.
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Optimal envelopment configuration of special vehicles based on railway boundaries
ZHANG Jia-lin, ZHANG Tao-hua, WANG Zhen-zhen, LIU Xiang-xin, LIU Qi
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 43-52.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.006
Abstract355)      PDF(pc) (20915KB)(127)       Save
Because of the influence of the basic railway boundaries and security requirements of dynamic turning, the configuration and complex centroid of special vehicles in rail transportation must satisfy the railway boundaries. Focusing on these problems, the boundary design of special vehicles was studied in this article.A mathematical model was derived to calculate the design shape and dimension range of the three-dimensional configuration, including profile- or centroid-centered loading.The largest three-dimensional envelopment configuration for multiple loading modes was designed. Moreover,through the study of the centroid height envelopment area, it was concluded that the centroid height of vehicles between 60 t and 70 t should not exceed 1284~1213 mm, thereby providing a basis for the optimal configuration and centroid for vehicle design.
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Customized bus dispatch considering parking penalty on congested roads
CHENG Ren-hui, JIA Shun-ping
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 53-61.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.007
Abstract341)      PDF(pc) (4042KB)(288)       Save
To meet the personalized needs of passenger travel in urban industrial agglomeration areas and to alleviate the problem of oversaturation of the road network, a customized bus dispatching model considering parking penalty on congested roads is proposed. First, the operation conditions and scheduling rules are analyzed. Then, the penalty functions for the cost of stopping and picking up passengers as well as violating passenger′s time window are demarcated. A customized bus dispatching decision-making model in response to the real-time demand is established with the goal of optimizing the total cost of the system, including the cost of carrying passenger time, the cost of bus operation time, the cost of violating passenger′s time window penalty and the cost of stopping on congested roads. Improved genetic algorithm and insertion algorithm are designed to solve the problem, and Zhongguancun Software Park is used as an example to verify the effectiveness of the model and algorithm. The results show that the customized bus dispatching model can achieve the expected results with respect to the targets for shift length, full-load ratio, and cost control, thus confirming the feasibility of the model and algorithm.
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Prediction of the mode share ratio of middle-and-long distance high-speed passenger transport based on the Panel Mixed Logit model
SHENG Dong-dong, SUN Ming-mei
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 62-71.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.008
Abstract437)      PDF(pc) (4484KB)(242)       Save

To solve the problem of mode share change of high-speed railways and civil aviation in middle-and-long distance passenger transport, taking the heterogeneity among passenger groups and the relevance of passenger choices in different scenarios into consideration, the Panel Mixed Logit(PML) model was established, which taking gender, age, and monthly income of passengers as basic property, the cost and time before ,after and during the trip as specific property. NLOGIT was used to estimate the parameters of Traditional Logit, Cross-sectional Mixed Logit, and Panel Mixed Logit models based on the stated preference data of passenger in Beijing-Nanjing transport corridor. Model estimation results show that the PML model has better behavior interpretation capabilities and prediction accuracy. Based on PML model, the simulation method was used to predict the trend of mode share of high-speed railways and civil aviation along with the changes of trip cost and time. The results show that the high-speed railways mode share ratio increases with the increase of trip cost difference value and decreases with the increase of trip time difference value; which is the opposite for civil aviation. It also shows that the trip cost difference value has a more significant effect on the mode share than the trip time difference value.

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Strength and modal analysis of the 2AMT shell of an electric vehicle based on ANSYS
XU Hai-gang, ZHANG Jian-wu, LIN Lian-hua, LU Xing-yang
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 72-81.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.009
Abstract415)      PDF(pc) (12797KB)(196)       Save
2AMT (two-speed mechanical automatic transmission) is widely studied because it can further improve the power and economy of electric vehicles. 2AMT designing process involves repeated assessments and optimizations to meet the requirements of light-weight, strength, and noise control. The force on the gear, gear shaft, and shell is analyzed when the 2AMT motor is running with maximum torque output. Based on the finite element analysis theory, ANSYS software is used to analyze the strength and modal of the shell, and the analysis results are used to optimize the 2AMT structure. Results show that the 2AMT shell meets the strength requirements, and the optimized structure reduces the maximum deformation by 0.057 mm and the maximum stress by 20 MPa, and its natural frequency can avoid the gear meshing impact frequency in the common speed range.
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The reflectance spectra characteristics of soil phosphorus fractions and their spectral model
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 82-88.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.010
Abstract405)      PDF(pc) (6385KB)(362)       Save

The spectral model of soil phosphorous (P) has relatively poor stability, mainly owing to the insufficient understanding of its visible and near-infrared spectral characteristics. To this end, we propose a new method to explore the reflectance spectrum of total P using soil residues by sequentially extracting different P fractions. In particular, the reflectance spectra of different P fractions were measured indirectly using the standard whiteboard as the reference spectrum and measured directly using the soil residues as the reference spectrum. The spectral characteristics of these P fractions and their spectral models were analyzed.Both indirect and direct results showed that each P fraction had a specific reflectance spectrum with different spectral characteristics, spectral shapes, reflectance rates, and peak/valley positions. Therefore, they could be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (200~1000 nm). Results suggesteed that 250~750 nm is the sensitive band of soil P. This study can provide an important theoretical basis for understanding the reflectance spectrum and predicting the concentrations of total P.

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Wind environment assessment based on CFD and urban morphology parameters
GUO Qi-jin, CHANG Fang-qiang, HUANG Qing-xiang
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 89-97.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.011
Abstract388)      PDF(pc) (7615KB)(330)       Save
Wind environment has a considerable influence on urban residents′ comfort,which is the focus of urban climate research. Taking Dongcheng District of Daqing City as an example, a wind environment assessment method based on CFD computational fluid dynamics and urban morphology parameters was studied. First, the wind environment in the central area of the city was simulated by CFD software to obtain the wind speed nephogram. Then, the wind speed nephogram was divided into grids, and the regression equation between grid wind speed ratio and urban shape parameters was obtained by SPSS. Finally, the wind speed ratio of Dongcheng District was calculated by the regression fitting equation, and the wind environment was evaluated. Results show that sky openness and windward area density are the most important urban morphological parameters affecting the wind speed ratio, and the combination of multiple urban morphology parameters can explain the change in wind speed ratio better. Thus, by combining the wind speed ratio calculation equation and wind environment evaluation standard, the bad wind environment areas in a city can be found and relevant optimization suggestions can be proposed.
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Application of large material sorting machines in food waste pretreatment
ZHENG Yun-feng, HUANG Xing-gang, ZHANG Li, LIU Cui, ZHU Li-ke, WU Yuan, LIU Jian-liang, YAO Cong
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 98-104.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.012
Abstract397)      PDF(pc) (10157KB)(280)       Save
Material sorting at the pretreatment stage of food waste greatly influences the overall treatment process. If the sorting accomplished inappropriately and there are a lot of impurities in the slurry, there will be problems such as serious pipeline wear and high equipment failure rate. Therefore, the better-operating parameter range of the large material sorting machine is explored herein by adjusting the feeding and operating frequencies, making the sorting work more effective. The better operating parameter range can be obtained from the experiment results, that operating frequency of the large material sorting machine is 70 Hz, and the feeding frequency is below 17 Hz. Under this working condition, the current value of the equipment is low and the fluctuation curve is relatively stable. The proportion of organic matter in the sorting material is between 33% and 37%. Compared with other working conditions, the proportion of organic matter is at least 3% lower. Changes in operating conditions have no effect on the composition of the slurry, the sum of organic matter, peel, and bone accounts for more than 98%, and other impurities account for less than 2%.
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Synthesis of 6-chloroimidazo[1,2-b]pyrazine-3-carbonitrile
CHENG Wei, CHEN Qi-xu, ZHANG Xiang-long, QI Qi, WANG Ming-jun, LIU Sheng-wei, YUAN Wen-peng
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 105-112.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.013
Abstract415)      PDF(pc) (3337KB)(333)       Save
6-chloroimidazo[1,2-b]pyrazine-3-carbonitrile is a major intermediate of BMS-986260, which is a novel TGF-β R1 inhibitor that can be used as an anticancer drug. The synthesis goes through the following five-step reaction process with a total yield of 69.4%: hydrazine hydrate and maleic anhydride are considered as raw materials, acid-catalyzed condensation reaction, chlorination with phosphorus oxychloride, ammonolysis with ammonia water, imidization with N,N-dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal, and ring-closing condensation with bromoacetonitrile. The purity of the obtained product was 98.3%, which was measured via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at wavelength of 254 nm. The structure was confirmed through 1H NMR and 13C NMR. Compared with the reported synthetic routes, this route exhibits good chemical selectivity, low cost, easy operation, and high yield. Further, it requires no column chromatography separation and is suitable for industrial production.
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Design of a control system for the crane-main-beam processing equipment based on PLC
WU Hao, WANG Peng, CHEN Tie, ZHANG Shu-wen
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 113-120.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.014
Abstract381)      PDF(pc) (8917KB)(219)       Save
Aiming at the production characteristics and processing mode of crane main beam, a control system of crane main beam processing equipment based on PLC(programmable logic controller) was developed. The hardware composition and software design of the control system and the processing flow of the crane main beam processing equipment were introduced, and the PLC program of each control part was compiled according to the mechanic flow. The designed processing system realizes the automatic production of crane main beam, and it can process a single-section crane girder with a length of 6 m at one time, work efficiency was improved greatly. The practice shows that the system works stably, has high reliability and has practical value in engineering.
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Intensity and rain pattern characteristics of short-duration rainstorm
LIU Huan-bin, QIU Can, WANG Rong
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 121-129.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.015
Abstract608)      PDF(pc) (3339KB)(561)       Save
The determination of urban rainstorm intensity and rainstorm pattern serves as the basis for scientific planning and rational design of urban drainage systems. Based on the detailed precipitation data from Jinan National Basic Weather Station for 1961—2017, this paper studied the characteristics of short-duration rainstorm intensity and rain pattern change in four different periods using probability distribution model, Chicago method, and co-frequency method: 1961—1990, 1971—2000, 1981—2010, and 1991—2017. The results showed that Jinan′s short-duration rainstorm had been increasing intensity since the 1980s, and this is especially obvious since the 1990s. The short-duration and long-duration strong precipitation were all mainly concentrated in the first half of the precipitation process and had a tendency to postpone. This paper suggests that the local rainstorm intensity formula should be revised every 10 years or when the change rate of the rainstorm intensity exceeds 5%.
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A taxonomic study of Trypethelium Lichens in China
YAO Zong-ting , JIANG Shu-hua, JIA Ze-feng
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (1): 130-137.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.01.016
Abstract432)      PDF(pc) (5496KB)(398)       Save
The crustose Trypethelium Lichen belongs to the Trypetheliaceae family, which is the second most diverse family among corticolous lichens after Graphidaceae. At present, there is no systematic study on this genus in China. Herein, we revealed the phylogenetic relationships of lichens of the genus Trypethelium by processing the samples collected from Guangdong, amplifying their ITS and LSU sequences, and constructing phylogenetic trees of the species. We also provided relevant descriptions and discussions of the reported species in China, as well as their taxonomic key.
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Development of marine in situ dissolved oxygen sensor based on fluorescence quenching and its quantitative calibration algorithm
YUAN Da, FENG Xian-dong, ZHANG Yun-yan, WU Bing-wei
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 1-10.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.001
Abstract473)      PDF(pc) (9343KB)(591)       Save
To meet the demand of in situ accurate monitoring of seawater dissolved oxygen using a domestic sensor, an optical seawater dissolved oxygen sensor was developed using modulation-demodulation digital quadrature lock-in amplification detection technology. The developed sensor achieved accurate detection of weak fluorescence lifetime. The dissolved oxygen sensor temperature coefficient was calibrated through polynomial regression analysis. A polynomial quantitative algorithm model of the fluorescence phase, dissolved oxygen concentration, and temperature was established to achieve the accurate detection of dissolved oxygen. Under a random temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration within the calibration test temperature range, the temperature measurement accuracy of the sensor is ±0.1 ℃ and the accuracy of dissolved oxygen measurement is ±0.1 mg/L after calibration.
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Design and analysis of a battery condition monitoring system for marine exploration robots
SUN Xiao-hui
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 11-17.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.002
Abstract309)      PDF(pc) (7687KB)(250)       Save
Considering the poor safety and controllability of a lithium iron phosphate battery in marine exploration robots, a charge/discharge management system based on an STM32 single-chip microcomputer is proposed. The hardware and related circuits of the main control module, single-battery voltage monitoring module, and equalization module are designed. The control mode adopts a master-slave topology. Through hardware tuning and optimization, the work area of the circuit board is considerably reduced, and the cooling performance of the system is improved. Test results show that the voltage, current, and temperature data are correctly displayed; the maximum detection deviation of single-battery voltage is 0.96%; and the maximum single-battery voltage exceeds the average voltage of a battery pack by 6 mV. Thus, the balancing effect is good.
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In vitro bacteriostatic test of ten Chinese herbal medicines against Salmonella pullorum
YANG Jin-bo, YU Zhong-na, LI Li, WANG Zhao, YU Lei
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 18-23.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.003
Abstract1149)      PDF(pc) (3393KB)(1000)       Save
The agar plate-drilling method, Oxford cup method, and drug-sensitive tablet method were used to detect the in vitro bacteriostatic activities of ten Chinese herbal medicines, namely Paederia scandens, Lycii cortex, Pulsatillae radix, Isatidis folium, Taraxaci Herba, Schisandrae chinensis Fructus, Mume fructus, Folium artemisiae argyi, Coptidis rhizoma, and Salviae miltiorrhizae radix, on Salmonella pullorum. In addition, a single Chinese herbal medicine with better in vitro bacteriostatic effect was screened. The results showed that Schisandrae chinensis fructus and Mume fructus were highly sensitive to Salmonella pullorum, whereas Salviae miltiorrhizae radix and Coptidis rhizoma were generally sensitive to Salmonella pullorum. The other six Chinese herbal medicines were not sensitive to Salmonella pullorum. These results suggest that Schisandrae chinensis fructus and Mume frutus have certain antibacterial effects on Salmonella pullorum and that different Chinese herbal medicines have different antibacterial effects. This study provides a basis for the clinical treatment of Salmonella pullorum as well as for the development of Chinese herbal medicine preparations.
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Analysis of the mechanism of Pseudostellariae Radix against myocardial ischemia based on network pharmacology and molecular docking
TENG Li-qing, ZHOU Tao, WANG Xiao, JIANG Wei-ke
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 24-33.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.004
Abstract525)      PDF(pc) (5445KB)(383)       Save
To explore the potential mechanism of anti-myocardial ischemia of Pseudostellariae Radix, the active components and targets associated with myocardial ischemia were predicted using network pharmacology, and the key target network of anti-myocardial ischemia was constructed. GO(gene ontology) function and Pathway enrichment analysis were conducted, and molecular docking verification was performed between the active components and the key targets. Eight active components of Pseudostellariae Radix and 50 key targets of anti-myocardial ischemia were obtained. GO function and Pathway enrichment analysis showed that anti-myocardial ischemia effects of Pseudostellariae Radix were mainly involved in biological processes such as apoptosis, angiogenesis, and inflammation, including MyD88-independent TLR4 cascade (MyD88-independent TLR4 signal transduction pathway), MyD88:MAL cascade initiated on plasma membrane, and TLR4 signaling (activated TLR4 signal pathway). The main targets included JUN, MAPK1, IKBKG, PTPN11, and RELA. Molecular docking showed that dandelion terpenol had the best binding with the key targets AKT1, IL6, MAPK1 and TP53. The mechanism of anti-myocardial ischemia of Pseudostellariae Radix through multiple pathway and multiple targets was revealed in this study, which provides a basis for further study of the anti-myocardial ischemia effect of Pseudostellariae Radix.

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A method for detecting the content of tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets in Beagle dogs based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
GAO Qi-zhen, LIU Fang-yu, DING Ping-tian
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 34-41.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.005
Abstract323)      PDF(pc) (3825KB)(355)       Save
In this study, we developed a method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to detect content changes in animals administered commercially available tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets. Beagle dogs were used as the experimental animals to construct drug pharmacokinetic curves as well as to verify the reliability of the method. The column used was the Zorbax Extend-C18 column (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm). C18 (4.0 mm×3.0 mm) was used as the guard column, and the mobile phase was methanol-water-formic acid (Vmethanol:V(water):V(formic)=85:14:1). The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min, column temperature was 30 ℃, and injection volume was 20 μL. The ESI ion source positive ion multiple reaction monitoring mode was used to select ion pairs 409.3→228.2 and 256.3→167.1 for determination. The results showed that tamsulosin hydrochloride has a good linear correlation in the concentration range of 0.1~10.0 ng/mL. The precision was 7.1%, and the recovery rate of extraction was 92%. The content changes of tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets in Beagle dogs were accurately described. The above method has high sensitivity, good specificity, and high precision and can quickly and easily detect the content changes in animals administered commercially available tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets.
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Analysis and synthesis of impurity source in Cefdinir
WANG Jing, WU Dan, LIU Long
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 42-47.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.006
Abstract618)      PDF(pc) (3094KB)(387)       Save
To improve the quality control of Cefdinir API and establish its quality criteria, the preparation method for Cefdinir was analyzed and five related impurities (Thiazolylacetyl glycine oxime, impurity O, impurity D, impurity G, and impurity S) were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR and Ms. The purities of related substances obtained by HPLC detection were over 99%,and can be used as impurity reference substances for the quality control of Cefdinir, which provides a basis for the industrial development and quality control of Cefdinir.
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Precise positioning system for mine personnel based on ultra wide band technology
ZHAO Lin, SUN Zeng-rong, WANG Ji-qiang, LIU Tong-yu
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 48-53.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.007
Abstract335)      PDF(pc) (9806KB)(201)       Save
Herein, a precise positioning system for mine personnel based on the ultra wide band (UWB) technology is proposed, and the basic principle of typical SDS-TWR algorithm is analyzed. Using mine CAD drawings and two-dimensional (2D) coordinate positioning algorithm, this is the first study to realize a comprehensive management system of real-time, dynamic, synchronous tracking and monitoring, high-precision positioning, and trajectory playback in a 2D-CAD plane. The system has been tested at the Mazhuang Iron Mine of Laiwu Mining. Experimental results show that within 200 m of the UWB signal coverage, the positioning error of the system with respect to a static target is less than 30 cm, and the positioning error of a dynamic target is less than 1.65 m with a moving speed of 25 km/h. The system meets the requirements of personnel positioning in coal mines and has a broad market potential and application values.
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A combined model for forecasting shared bikes demand based on causal analysis and similar day selection
XU Chang-xing, WANG Wei-ping , CHANG Xi-ming, BAO Xu , WU Jian-jun
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 54-64.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.008
Abstract637)      PDF(pc) (6412KB)(433)       Save
Short-term demand of shared bikes forecasting plays an important role in optimizing the layout of free-floating bike sharing systems and bikes rebalancing. To improve the accuracy of demand forecasting methods for the emerging shared bikes business, this study establishes a combined forecasting model based on Stacking strategy and examines the impact of temporal variables and weather factors on shared bikes demand. In particular, the Granger causality test is used to identify the key weather indicators that cause demand fluctuations. We extract the set of similar samples for each period of the day for prediction based on the grey correlation index of weather variables. The Stacking strategy is then introduced to integrate random forest, support vector regression, and other machine learning algorithms for establishing a combined forecasting model to predict the short-term demand in different regions. Finally, using free-floating bike sharing data in Beijing, the proposed combined model is tested. The prediction results of combined model demonstrate that the mean absolute percentage error decreased by 9.1% compared with the single prediction model, thus improving the accuracy of the short-term demand forecast of shared bikes and providing useful information for bike relocation.
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Research progress on the effect of biomechanics on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
CAO Sheng-nan, SHI Bin, SUN Guo-dong, WANG Cong-an, WANG Dan-dan
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 65-74.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.009
Abstract577)      PDF(pc) (4826KB)(450)       Save
The biomechanical environment of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) in vivo is relatively complex. To explore the relationship between biomechanics and the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of BMSC, This review summarizes the current research status and latest progress of the effects of biomechanical microenvironment on the proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal sterm cells in recent years.Results showed that mechanical tension stress and fluid shear stress on BMSCs generated most of the stimuli to direct cell differentiation and that larger compression force and static water pressure on BMSCs generated most of the stimuli to direct cells toward cartilage differentiation and a minority of cells toward osteogenic differentiation. Cell differentiation in each direction occurred under its optimal conditions. Here we reviewed the effects of biomechanics on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of BMSC, which may provide insights and references for research on bone tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and clinical applications of BMSCs.
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Vacuum cooling crystallization process of calcium gluconate
ZHAO Gai-ju , LIANG Xi, YUN Dong-ling , GENG Wen-guang , WANG Lu-yuan, SUN Rong-feng
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 75-80.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.010
Abstract975)      PDF(pc) (2044KB)(485)       Save
With calcium gluconate as the research object, a vacuum cooling crystallization experiment was performed to investigate the effects of time, temperature, stirring speed, and vacuum degree on the vacuum cooling crystallization of calcium gluconate. Results show that the factors affecting the crystallization rate of calcium gluconate are listed in the order of desceding degree of impact as vacuum degree, crystallization temperature, and stirring speed, among which the vacuum degree is a significant factor with P<0.05. The optimal process conditions for vacuum cooling crystallization of calcium gluconate are as follows: crystallization temperature is 50 °C, vacuum degree is 0.095 MPa, and stirring speed is 100 r/min. These results provide theoretical basis for technology and device development of calcium gluconate vacuum flash continuous evaporation crystallization.
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Real-time inspection system for transmission line equipment based on Jetson-TX2
YANG Xue-Jie, CHEN Wen-Dong, XU Rong-Hao, LI Song-Lin, LI Jian-Ye
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 81-89.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.011
Abstract388)      PDF(pc) (9592KB)(428)       Save
To solve the problem of low efficiency of inspection of transmission line equipment, this paper designs a real-time inspection system for transmission line equipment based on Jetson-TX2. The main control module of Jetson-TX2 based on YOLO v3 and a Pan/Tilt/Zoom(PTZ) camera control module are included in this system. The YOLO v3 algorithm model is accelerated by TensorRT, which is transplanted in Jetson-TX2 to complete the real-time identification and positioning of the device target in the video stream. The PTZ camera is controlled by Jetson-TX2 to realize the high-definition image acquisition of the device through the PID algorithm. The system's overall recognition accuracy for transmission line equipment can reach 95%, which can realize real-time video detection. It can effectively improve the efficiency of transmission line inspection.
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Image restoration method based on partial differential equations
MIAO Xiao, ZHANG Xin-dong, TANG Quan, YANG Si-yuan
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 90-95.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.012
Abstract445)      PDF(pc) (6191KB)(555)       Save
For the case in which the original model has the same weight at each reference point on a TV model, the paper propose a new concept whereby a diffusion function based on the gradient value of the pixels in the area to be repaired is constructed. The diffusion function is used to control the value of the contribution of each reference point. In addition, an adaptive iterative function for time parameters based on the idea of nonlinear diffusion is proposed. The diffusion function and adaptive iterative function work together to complete the image inpainting. Results of the experiment reveal that the new method proposed in this paper can achieve good processing effect in less time.
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Application of solvent-free crystallization technology in the production of vitamin B12 
CHENG Jun-shan, LI He, YANG Ji-zong, PAN Li-hong, GU Xiao-fei, ZHANG Miao-jing
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 96-103.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.013
Abstract275)      PDF(pc) (6453KB)(348)       Save
To prepare vitamin B12 and to determine the optimal process parameters for the solvent-free crystallization technique, the purity and yield of the product were evaluated to optimize this technique using response surface methodology. The optimal process parameters were obtained as follows: evaporation temperature of 65 ℃, vacuum degree of 0.09 kPa, and concentration of 90 000 μg/mL prior to crystallization. It was shown that the solvent-free crystalization technique has high feasibility and effectiveness as the yield and quality of the final product were on par with that of solvent crystalization, if not better. While improving the safety of production, this technique cuts down pollution and eliminates certain procedures, thereby reducing the production cost and making it a good candidate for implementation in large-scale production.

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Study on creep characteristics of sandstone and three-dimensional nonlinear mechanical model
LIU Fan-xi, ZHAO Li-cai, YU Jian-xing, JIANG Teng-jian
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 104-113.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.014
Abstract317)      PDF(pc) (7598KB)(353)       Save
To describe the creep mechanical behavior of rocks, triaxial compression creep tests of sandstone under different confining pressures are conducted herein. Results show that the steady creep stage is a process of developing and expanding microcracks in rocks, and the steady creep rate and confining pressure increase the power function. The long-term strengths of sandstone under confining pressures of 5 MPa, 10 MPa, and 15 MPa are 19.8 MPa, 22.3 MPa, and 24.7 MPa, respectively. The long-term strength increases with the increase in confining pressure. Based on the nonlinear characteristics of rock creep, the viscoelastic modulus Ep associated with confining pressure is defined. Ept that can reflect the influence of rock creep by time and confining pressure is obtained using the derivation transformation, which is applied to the improved Burgers model to obtain a new one-dimensional creep constitutive model. It can be extended to three-dimensional stress state to obtain a new three-dimensional nonlinear mechanical model, identify creep test data, compare and analyze the prediction results, and prove the feasibility and rationality of the model. The research results shed light on the simulation of creep behavior of rock under three-dimensional stress state.

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Existence of positive solutions for the nonlinear impulsive differential system boundary value problem
WANG Ming-gao, TANG Qiu-yun
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (2): 114-122.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.02.015
Abstract242)      PDF(pc) (1011KB)(304)       Save
By creating a special operator, the impulsive problem is transformed into a continuity problem. Then, we use the fixed point theorem of cone expansion and compression to investigate the boundary value problem of a second-order nonlinear impulsive differential system. Consequently, we confirm the existence of multiple positive solutions.

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Wave inversion technology and offshore comparison data analysis based on the SVS-603 sensor
WANG Zhi, ZHOU Yang, YANG Jun-xian, ZHENG Wei, ZHAO Bin, YU Yu, CAI Zhi-wen
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 1-8.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.001
Abstract436)      PDF(pc) (10310KB)(200)       Save
The wave inversion technology plays an important role in sensor development. In this study, a SVS-603 sensor was installed in DWR-MKIII buoy, and wave parameters and wave spectra measured by the SVS-603 were compared with the data measured by DWR-MKIII. Based on the results, the wave inversion technology of the SVS-603 sensor was studied in detail, and the difference and reliability comparison between the wave spectra smoothened on time domain and frequency domain were made. Results showed that the wave spectra smoothened on time domain were more close to those of the DWR-MKIII, whereas, the wave spectra smoothened on frequency domain were employed, spectra on low frequencies were unfiltered, and wave peak periods were oscillated.This research can provide more accurate wave algorithms for the development of acceleration principle wave equipment.
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Design of a mechanical current meter measurement and control module based on a CAN bus
LIU Qing-peng, FU Ming-yang, YU Yu, HUI Li, LU Cheng-jie
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 9-18.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.002
Abstract345)      PDF(pc) (9814KB)(236)       Save
In view of the present mechanical current meter big power consumption, lower attitude measuring precision, large volume, complex maintenance, velocity of flow measurement data of the single, we design a controller based on local area network (controller area network,CAN) bus STM32F103RCT6 as the control core of current meter measurement and control module, low power machinery and gives the overall structure, hardware interface circuit of measurement and control module system, communication protocol, software design and main technical index. The results of marine experiments show that this module not only realizes the signal acquisition and control of current velocity and flow direction, but also realizes the measurement of different current velocity and flow direction through the expansibility of CAN bus, which increases the range of marine hydrological survey and improves its flexibility.

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Pharmacognostical and molecular pharmacognostical identification of Periplaneta americana L. 
SU Yang, XU Ling-chuan
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 19-25.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.003
Abstract555)      PDF(pc) (2341KB)(1283)       Save
The traditional Chinese medicine identification characteristics of Periplaneta americana L. were summarized via pharmacognosy and molecular pharmacognosy. The purpose of this study is to ensure the safety of P.americana when used as a traditional Chinese medicine component. First, the morphological and microscopic characteristics of P. americana were observed and recorded using a high-performance stereomicroscope and a biological digital microscope. Then, the molecular identification method was used to perform PCR amplification and sequencing on the DNA of P. americana. To verify the accuracy of pharmacognosy identification, the obtained sequencing results were compared with the data in the DNA bar code identification system of traditional Chinese medicine and the detection results were compared with the morphological identification results. The body wall fragments of P. americana are attached to a scaly texture, and the inner and outer layers of the body wall are distinct. The bristles of P. americana are segmented into coarse and fine types, and their color differences are obvious. The compound eye fragments of P. americana have obvious characteristics. The result of molecular pharmacognosy was P. americana (Insecta: Blattodea: Blattidae). The homology was 100%. Through this experiment, we can confirm the identification characteristics of P. americana as a Chinese medicinal material and provide experimental basis for its safe use.
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Rapid determination of glutamic acid content in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga using an amino acid analyzer

ZHANG Hua-li, ZHOU Hong-liang, SUN Jia-chang
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 26-32.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.004
Abstract402)      PDF(pc) (2076KB)(374)       Save

The effects of various concentrations of hydrochloric acid, material-to-liquid ratios, and extraction times on the extraction of glutamate in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga were compared using an amino acid analyzer to establish a method to measure the glutamate content in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga. The results showed that the best extraction process for glutamic acid in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga was a material-to-liquid ratio of 1:1 (mg/mL), 6 mol/L hydrochloric acid, and hydrolysis time of 22 h. The recovery rate of the glutamic acid analyzer method was 99.2%, and the relative standard deviation of the precision test was 0.19%. There were significant differences in the glutamate content in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga from different regions, ranging from 1.068% to 1.149%. The method is reproducible, fast, efficient, and easy to perform. It is suitable for the detection of amino acid content in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga and can provide technical support for its quality control and in-depth resource development.

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Cardamine Leucantha, a new record from Shandong Province, China
ZHAO Feng-xi, REN Zhao-jie
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 33-35.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.005
Abstract652)      PDF(pc) (3068KB)(505)       Save

The species Cardamine leucantha(Tausch) O. E. Schulz is reported as a new record from the Shandong Province of China in a plant resources survey at Jiuru Hillit belongs to the genus Cardamine of the family Brassicaceae. Based on field investigations and specimen studies, we updated its morphological characters and discussed the distribution of C. leucantha and the significance of its new distribution. Meanwhile, a key to the classification of Cardamine in Shandong province is provided.

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Effects of Trichoderma harzianum T11-W and apple branch sawdust on cucumber seedling growth 
WANG Yi-lian, ZHAO Zhong-juan, YANG Kai, LU Chang-hou, YU Yi, XU Wei-sheng, LI Ji-shun
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 36-41.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.006
Abstract566)      PDF(pc) (995KB)(237)       Save
To explore rapid utilization methodsfor pruning apple branches, cucumber (Jinyan No. 4) was used as a test material to study the effects of Trichoderma harzianum T11-W and apple branch sawdust on its seedling growth. T. harzianum T11-W was added to the sawdust in advance in one group (this was considered treated sawdust), whereas the other group involved the simultaneous addition of T. harzianum T11-W to sawdust. These two groups were compared with untreated apple branches (raw sawdust) and T. harzianum T11-W alone. Results showed that T. harzianum T11-W exhibited the most significant growth-promoting effect on cucumber seedlings, and when the mass fraction of sawdust was 0.7%, the root length inhibition of sawdust was weakened and the dry weight of its root was further increased by adding T. harzianum T11-W. Although the comprehensive evaluation of Trichoderma with sawdust treatment (treated sawdust or raw sawdust) was not as good as that of T. harzianum T11-W treatment alone, they have the highest root-cap ratio. When the raw sawdust dosage was 0.35%, the promotion of cucumber seedling growth was weaker than that of the control group that did not undergo any treatment. When the dose was 0.7%, the growth-promoting effect was higher than that of the above-mentioned control group, indicating that increasing the amount of raw sawdust facilitated cucumber seedling growth. When the sawdust dosage was 0.35%, the growth-promoting effect of treated sawdust on cucumber seedlings was better than that of raw sawdust. 
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Bearing life prediction based on real-time monitoring
HOU Nan, LIU Long, JIANG Ting, TIAN Li-nan, DING Ning
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 42-48.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.007
Abstract470)      PDF(pc) (4945KB)(397)       Save
In this study, the original vibration signals of an Svenska Kullager-Fabriken (SKF) bearing's inner race, rolling element, and outer race with three fault sizes were extracted from Case Western Reserve University Bearing Data Center. The fault sizes were 0.007, 0.014, and 0.021 in(1 in=2.54 cm). By empirical mode decomposition (EMD), 17 intrinsic mode functions were found. Principal component analysis (PCA) was then conducted, and it was found that the relationship between the fault sizes of the inner and outer races and the first and second principal components could be accurately fitted by principal component fitting formulas. Therefore, the fault sizes can be obtained by real-time monitoring of vibration signals and signal analysis. Finally, the residual life of the bearing with a fault was predicted using the Paris-Erdogan formula and finite element simulation. This study has a significant meaning for prevention of equipment accidents caused by bearing cracks.
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Analysis of factors affecting the remaining service life of power lithium battery
SUN Xi-quan, HOU En-guang
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 49-53.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.008
Abstract517)      PDF(pc) (987KB)(461)       Save
To effectively evaluate the remaining service life of a power lithium battery system, key factors affecting its remaining service life must be accurately obtained. In this paper, the current of the battery during charging and discharging, temperature, and real-time voltage were determined as the key factors. The influence of each factor on the remaining service life of the power lithium battery was analyzed using the principal component analysis method to perform a quantitative analysis. The values of each factor were collected during the processes of repeated charging and discharging cycle. Through the verification and comparison of the remaining service life prediction, it was observed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first five factors accountted for 99% (the error range was within 3%) and the cumulative contribution rate of the first four factors accountted for 90% (the error range was within 4%).
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Design of subway parking lines with two train spaces
PENG Lei, SUN Yuan-guang, JIN Hua
Shandong Science    2021, 34 (3): 54-61.   DOI: 10.3976/j.issn.1002-4026.2021.03.009
Abstract1184)      PDF(pc) (4705KB)(424)       Save
Subway parking lines with one train space are widely used in urban rail transit systems. However, in the process of train failure rescue , this method can accommodate only one train owing to their length limitations and will cause extra delay. Conversely, subway parking lines with two train spaces work better in train failure rescue, although higher requirements are imposed on engineering conditions and costs. This study designs eight different types of parking lines with two train spaces based on forms and setting principles of traditional parking lines with one train space, and performs a comparison analysis. Moreover, a railway simulation tool OpenTrack is used to simulate the suitability of parking lines with two train spaces during train failure rescue. Results show that each of the eight types of parking lines has its own applicative situation, and tandem parking lines exhibit better applicability among them. Furthermore, the parking lines with two train spaces can considerably reduce rescue delay time when they are set in the middle of the line away from the car depot. In the situation wherein only train failure rescue is considered, the tandem end-type parking lines are the best choice.
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